Custom Filters
Options - Custom Filters
Custom Filters can help to better analyze or classify trades. They serve to describe the further environment and can provide further information in this context.
They are shown at the Trade-Edit- and Trade-Details-Dialogs.
Create Filter
To add a new filter, write the name at the edit field of the combo box and click +
The items List-Box will be cleared, cause there are no items in the new filter
Change Filter Name
To change the name of a filter, type the new name at the edit field of the combo box and click =
Delete Filter
To delete a filter, select the one to delete and click -
Add Item
To add a new item, write the name at the edit field at the bottom and click +
Now you can append your items for this filter. There can be as many items as you like.
Delete Item
To delete an item, select the one to delete and click -
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